- Red
- Spit Soup
- Hollywoods Ark
- Pie in the Sky
- Let's Make a Right Price
- Return of Red
- Sheep Dogs
- Hobo Hounds (in black &
- Show and Tell
- Red Strikes Back
- Bathroom Humor
- Spooks a Poppin'
- Jerk
- Home is Where your Head is
- Substitute Teacher
- Las Pelotas!
- At the Drive In
- A Quarter
- Love
- Stunt Dogs
- Post Office
- Love Doctors
- Far-Out Friday
- Seeing Eye Dogs
- Cat!
- Love in the Park
- Day Dream
- Trash Day
- Vegas Buffet
- Where's The Bone?
- Corn Flakes
- Door Jam
- Cookies, Ookies, Blookies
- Family Values
- Cartoon Canines
- Inside Out
- Fun!
- The Rise and Fall of the Big
- Space Dogs