Premiered on NBC (September 15, 1984)
based on the Belgium comic-book characters created by Freddy Monnickendam
Deep down below in the sea is a mystical underwater world of Snorkland. There lives a whole community of tiny sea dwellers called the Snorks. They are a very small & adorable snorkel headed creatures whose get involved in many adventures. The show center around a high school student named Allstar & his girlfriend Casey.

Snork Episodes

1984 - 1985

  • Vandal Scandal - Journey to the Source
  • The New Neighbors - Hooked on a Feeling
  • Das Boot - Which Snork Snitched
  • Snorky Mania - Allstar's All Star Band
  • Now You Seahorse, Now You Don't - A Snorking We Will Go
  • Snork Marks the Sport - Snork Dance
  • Juniors Secret - The Big Scoop
  • The Blue Coral Necklace - Up, Up and a Wave
  • The Snorkness Monster - Snorkin Surf Party
  • Allstar's Double Trouble - A Snork on the Wild Side
  • Time Out for Sissies - Fine Fettered Friends
  • Me Jo-Jo, You Daffney - The Old Shell Game
  • Whale Tales - The King of Kelp

1985 - 1986

  • Snorkitis is Nothing to Sneeze at - The Whole Toot and Nothing but the Toot
  • Never Cry Wolf-Fish - Chicken's of the Sea
  • Learn to Love Your Snork - A Hard Days Snork
  • Dr. Strangsnork - Allstar's Fresh Water Adventure
  • Water Friends For? - It's Just a Matter of Slime
  • The Shape of Snorks to Come - Juniors Octopuppy
  • Casey and the Doubleheader - The Ugly Yuckfish
  • Gills Just Wanna Have Fun - Guess Whats Coming to Dinner
  • A Sign of the Tides - The Littlest Mermaid
  • The Backwards Snork - I Squid You Not

1987 - 1988

  • All's Whale That Ends Well - Allstar's Last Hour
  • A Willie Scary Shalloween - Sea Shore Sideshow
  • Snip and Snap - Freeze Save Our Town
  • Junior's Empire - The Golden Dolphin
  • It's Always Darkest Before the Snork - The Sand Witch
  • The Shady Shadow - Tooter Loves Tadah
  • Daffney's Ransom - Salmon Enchanted Evening
  • Reefberry Madness - Casey in Sandland
  • Mummy Snorkest - A Farewell of Arms
  • Jo-Jo in Control - The Day the Ocean Stood Still
  • Chills, Drills and Spills - The Longest Shortcut
  • Willie & Smallstar's Big Adventure - Taming of the Snork
  • A Snork in a Guilded Cage - The Snorkshire Spooking

1988 - 1989

  • Daffey's Not So Great Escape - Willie's Best Friend
  • Dr. Strangesnork's Bomb - Day of the Juniors
  • Ooze got the Snorks - A Starfish is Born
  • The Silly Snorkasaurus - Who's Who?
  • Battle of the Gadgets - Little Lord Occy
  • Junior's Fuelish Kelp Rush - The Boo Lagoon
  • How the Snork was Won - In Juniors Image
  • Robosnork - Summer and Snork
  • Allstar's Odyssey - In Greed We Trust
  • Jaws Says the Word - Prehissnorkic
  • The Wizard of Ice - Rhyme and Punishment
  • Big City Snorks - Nightmare on Snorkstreet
  • Snorkella - Robin Snork
  • The Daring Young Snork on theFlying Trapeze
  • Shork Ahoy - The Story Circle
  • Oh Brother! - The Day they Fixed Junior Wetworth
  • I'll Be Senior - The First Snork in Space
  • Wish or Wish Out - My Dinner with Allstar
  • All That Glitters is Not Goldfish

Quicktime movie of the Snorks opening title
click image below:
"You need the latest version of QuickTime to watch the movie. Download QuickTime from Apple":

Links to other
Snorks web sites:
Jason Wainman Snorks page is at:
One GREAT Snorks page made by Eric is at:

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All Characters & images are © and ™ of their respective companies and are used for entertainment and historical purposes only.
Corporate trademarks are used on this and other of my pages are a part of their own company history. To the best of my knowledge, these companies owned the rights to the trademark character at the time the collectible was issued. They do not represent Wingnut Productions in any way, shape or form. They are all scans, snapshots and digital photos from the original collectible that are in my personal collection.
Please email me before you decide to steal any of these pictures. They took a long time to scan.